PMO MO/C joins the celebration of National Maritime Week 2021

The Port Management Office of Misamis Oriental/Cagayan de Oro (PMO MO/C) joined the maritime community in this year’s celebration of the National Maritime Week (NWM) on 20-26 September 2021 spearheaded by the Philippine Coast Guard. Opening Ceremony The port stakeholders held the simultaneous dressing of ships and blowing of horns on 20 September to kick-off continue reading : PMO MO/C joins the celebration of National Maritime Week 2021

PM Butaslac Jr. and PMO MO/C win big in “RDC Xcellence Awards”

  The Regional Development Council-X (Northern Mindanao) conferred Excellence Lodestar Award to Port Manager Isidro V. Butaslac, Jr. and lauded the Port Management Office of Misamis Oriental/Cagayan de Oro as one of the Outstanding RDC-X Agency Members under the RDC “Xcellence or Amihanan Awards” in celebration of the RDC-X Week 2021. These awards are given continue reading : PM Butaslac Jr. and PMO MO/C win big in “RDC Xcellence Awards”

Port Stakeholders celebrate International Coastal Cleanup 2021 through a Webinar

To maintain adherence to the minimum public health standards on the conduct of activities with expected large turnout of participants, the Port Management Office of Misamis Oriental/Cagayan de Oro (PMO MO/C) together with other port stakeholders instead celebrated the International Coastal Cleanup (ICC) 2021 through a webinar on 18 September 2021. A total of 92 continue reading : Port Stakeholders celebrate International Coastal Cleanup 2021 through a Webinar

3rd Quarter 2021 Joint PMMAC & PSAC e-meeting: Status of compliance to requirements, port development updates

Members of the Port and Maritime Management Council (PMMAC) and Port Security Advisory Committee (PSAC) together with invited agencies jointly convened virtually on 17 September 2021 for port services and security updates. Lead agencies presented the following updates: status of Passenger eManifest System implementation by the Maritime Industry Authority; line-up of activities for the 2021 continue reading : 3rd Quarter 2021 Joint PMMAC & PSAC e-meeting: Status of compliance to requirements, port development updates