MV GUDALI EXPRESS unloaded 1,200 heads of Pregnant Dairy Heifer from Australia and 8 heads of Breeder Junior Bulls of 484.64 Metric tons on March 13, 2023, at the base port of Macabalan Wharf, Port of Cagayan de Oro. In accordance with the National Dairy Authority’s (NDA) US Public Law 480 project, the PL 480 continue reading : MV GUDALI EXPRESS unloads dairy heifers and breeder bulls at the Port of Cagayan de oro
LOOK: 11 years later, CDO Port resumes Foreign Containerized Operations
In collaboration with the Bureau of Customs and Oroport Cargohandling Services, Inc., the Port of Cagayan de Oro City restores international containerized shipments after eleven (11) years. The event was marked by the arrival of AS ROMINA, a containerized vessel coming from Shekou, China on 14 March 2022. Sailing under the flag of Portugal, container continue reading : LOOK: 11 years later, CDO Port resumes Foreign Containerized Operations