TMOs under PMO MO/C conduct Simulation Exercises for National Disaster Resilience Month 2022

30 July 2022, Cagayan de Oro City­— It is the third quarter of the year, and the Port Management Office of Misamis Oriental/Cagayan de Oro has shown, yet again, its unceasing commitment to sustainable port operations. The Terminal Management Offices in Balingoan and Camiguin, both under the jurisdiction of PMO MO/C, have conducted simulation exercises continue reading : TMOs under PMO MO/C conduct Simulation Exercises for National Disaster Resilience Month 2022

RDC-X recognizes PMO MO/C as an invaluable member of the RPMC

The Regional Development Council of Region 10 awarded the Port Management Office of Misamis Oriental/Cagayan de Oro with a Certificate of Recognition, signed by Ms. Mylah Faye Aurora B. Cariño, CESO III— Regional Director of the National Economic and Development Authority – X and Chairperson of the RDC-X RPMC, for its invaluable contribution and unwavering continue reading : RDC-X recognizes PMO MO/C as an invaluable member of the RPMC

PMO MO/C celebrates PPA’s 48th Founding Anniversary

As the Philippine Ports Authority commemorates its 48th founding anniversary, the Port Management Office of Misamis Oriental/Cagayan de Oro, together with all the PMOs and Terminal Management Offices (TMOs) nationwide, took part in the celebration on 11 July 2022. All personnel of PMO MO/C including those in TMO Opol, Balingoan, and Camiguin participated in various continue reading : PMO MO/C celebrates PPA’s 48th Founding Anniversary

PMO MO/C takes part in this year’s 2nd Quarter National Simultaneous Earthquake Drill

In support of the government’s continuing efforts in promoting disaster awareness and preparedness, all personnel, staff, and stakeholders of the Port Management Office of Misamis Oriental/Cagayan de Oro participated in this year’s 2nd Quarter National Simultaneous Earthquake Drill (NSED) on Thursday, 09 June 2022. The National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council started the event continue reading : PMO MO/C takes part in this year’s 2nd Quarter National Simultaneous Earthquake Drill