PMO MOC wraps up GAD 2018 with series of seminars
The Port Management Office of Misamis Oriental/Cagayan de Oro organized a series of seminars for its personnel on various skill and personal developments in pursuance to its Gender and Development (GAD) program.
Defensive Driving Training
In support to the continuing promotion and practice of safety and security measures inside the ports, particularly on road safety to reduce vehicular accidents, a training on Defensive Driving was conducted to selected employees and security personnel, and representatives from the Oroport Cargo Handling Services, Inc., on 17 December 2018.
The resource speakers from the Technology Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) gave orientation about the identification of engine parts of auto cars and motorcycles, vehicle maintenance, traffic rules, road signs, safety precautions when driving, among other essential aspects to prevent vehicular accidents.
42 vehicular accidents inside the ports were recorded in 2018 and the PMO MOC aims to further reduce these digits by 2019.
Training on Anti-Human Trafficking, Detection, Identification and Victims Handling
In line with the PMO’s thrust of promoting and strengthening security measures to fight against any form of gender-based violence in the seaport, a training on anti-human trafficking was conducted on 21 December 2018, with resource speaker from the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI), Atty. Chemene Nacua.
The training aimed to capacitate PPA employees particularly the personnel of the Port Police Division (PPD), port security front liners, and the Philippine Coast Guard to deter trafficking in persons at the ports. With the establishment of Women and Children Protection Unit in October 2018, the unit that deals with the cases on violence against women and their children, participants were also taught on proper handling of victims especially women and children.
The PPD has recorded one (1) case of trafficking against persons, and three (3) cases of violations to RA 7610 (Special Protection of Children Against Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination Act) in 2018.
Training on Financial Freedom and Non-Time Consuming Investments
To inculcate financial literacy among PMO MOC employees, training on financial freedom and Non-Time Consuming Investments was organized, where they were taught on how to make daily, monthly, and annual cash flow of their own income and expenses, and the major aspects to consider in financial management.
The resource speaker, Engr. Licinio Awa, former professor in Master of Business Administration of Xavier University—Ateneo de Cagayan, made emphasis on values (differentiating needs from wants), savings (set to be a priority), and investment on health when managing finances. He also shared on the top five (5) Non-Time Consuming Investments which were focused on life and health insurances.
PPA 44th Anniversary Celebration
Celebrating PPA’s 44th Anniversary in a meaningful way, PMO Misamis Oriental/Cagayan de Oro conducted an Environmental Awareness Forum among Grade 6 pupils of Macabalan Elementary School on 11 July 2018 to promote solid waste management and care for the environment. This CSR activity conducted in partnership with Sunrise Multi-Purpose Cooperative culminated with the turnover of garbage bins to the school. Other highlights of the anniversary celebration included the following: Thanksgiving Mass, Anniversary Program and Get-together lunch. This year’s anniversary theme is “44 years of building better ports for a better future.”
CDO Port Maintains its PSHEMS Recognition
Cheers for another success! PMO MOC passed the 2nd Surveillance for PSHEMS with zero nonconformity during the surveillance audit conducted last 26-27 June 2018 by the Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia (PEMSEA). External Auditor Mr. Renato Cardinal affirmed the positive impact to the environment, well-being of stakeholders and overall port efficiency attributed to the programs implemented by the PMO in line with PSHEMS. PMO MOC extended its gratitude to the PPA Management for the unrelenting support and guidance.
PMO MOC Celebrates 43rd Anniversary
PPA PMO Misamis Oriental / Cagayan de Oro celebrated its 43rd Founding Anniversary on 15 April 2018. Recognizing the contributions of its employees and port stakeholders, the PMO awarded Plaques/Certificates of Recognition during a simple get together program. On said occasion, the PMO was also awarded a Plaque of Recognition by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources – Environment Management Bureau for its remarkable implementation of environmental programs.
IMS Launching at Port of CDO
PMO MOC launched on 10 April 2018 the Integrated Management System for the Port of Cagayan de Oro. The IMS covers three systems, namely, ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management, ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management, and ISO 18001:2007 Occupational Health and Safety. The IMS is being pursued by PPA in support of Executive Order No. 605, institutionalizing the structure, mechanisms and standards to implement the Government’s Quality Management System Program and as one of the commitments to the Governance for GOCCs (GCG) for CY 2018.
Oplan Biyaheng Ayos : Semana Santa 2018
In keeping with its commitment to ensure maximum security, safety, comfort and well-being of passengers while in ports, PMO-MOC has implemented the Oplan Biyaheng Ayos Semana Santa 2018 last 22 March to 05 April 2018 in all government ports under the PMO, namely: Cagayan de Oro, Balingoan, Benoni and Balbagon. As such, the PMO deployed additional manpower and ensured provision of basic amenities and resources to guarantee public safety and timely delivery of service. An inter-agency Passenger Assistance Helpdesks were also operationalized to immediately address passenger concerns.
Security Awareness Seminar
PMO-MOC held a Security Awareness Seminar last 11 January 2018 among PMO personnel who do not hold security functions. The seminar was intended for participants to acquire knowledge and develop attitude regarding the protection of the physical, and especially informational, assets of the organization.
Oplan Byaheng Ayos-Kapaskohan 2017
PMO-MOC has successfully implemented Oplan Biyaheng Ayos: Kapaskohan 2017 on 18 December 2017 to 08 January 2018 in compliance with the DOTR directive and as part of the Agency’s continuing commitment ensure the security, safety, comfort and well-being of the riding public in time for the holiday season.
Emergency Meeting for TD Agaton
PPA PMO MOC conducted an Emergency Meeting in preparation for Tropical Depression (TD) “Agaton” last January 1, 2018.
Gift-Giving for the Victims of Tropical Storm Vinta
29 Dec 2017 — PPA PMO MOC held a gift-giving program for the victims of the Tropical Storm (TS) “Vinta” that caused flooding and landslides in Cagayan de Oro City. Spearheaded by Port Manager Engr. Isidro V. Butaslac Jr., the PMO gave one sack of rice for employees who were victims of TS Vinta in essence of the Christmas season.
Cruise Terminal Design Echo Seminar
PPA PMO MOC organized a Cruise Terminal Design Echo Seminar last November 29, 2017. Engr. Claro Samuel P. Fontanilla, who was the recipient of the one-week training in Port of Cork, Ireland, conducted the echo seminar among PMO employees to share his experiences, observations and the best practices of the Port of Cork.
Refresher Course on PPA Orange Book
PPA PMO MOC conducted a Refresher Course on PPA Orange Book on December 28, 2017 among PMO employees. Engr. Lexter-Lou V. Sevilla facilitated the conduct of the seminar which introduced/reoriented the participants on the pertinent provisions of the book. PPA Orange Book is a comprehensive manual of related operational guidelines concerning port safety, occupational health, and environmental management.
PPA PMO MO/C conducts Emergency Meeting for Tropical Storm VINTA
21 December 2017 – PPA PMO MOC conducted an emergency meeting in preparation for Tropical Storm (TS) “Vinta”.
PPA PMO MO/C joins 4th Quarter Nationwide Simultaneous Earthquake Drill
As part of its continuing program to instill disaster-preparedness and consciousness among port stakeholders, PPA PMO MOC joined the 4th Quarter Nationwide Simultaneous Earthquake Drill last 15 December 15, 2017. The simultaneous nationwide drill was facilitated by the Regional Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office. In 2017, the PMO had consistently participated in the quarterly exercise.
PSHEMS Phases 1 – 6 and QMS Orientation
PPA PMO MOC held an orientation seminar for the implementation of the Port Safety, Health and Environmental Management System (PSHEMS) Phases 1 to 6, and for Quality Management System for Vessel Entrance and Clearance processes (QMS-VEC) last 27 November to 05 December 2017.
The orientation tackled the different management systems currently running at the Port of Cagayan de Oro. The seminar aimed to create a culture of excellence among the PMO employees, particularly among new entrants and outsourced personnel.
Basic Life Support and Emergency First Aid Training
PPA PMO MOC conducted a Basic Life Support and Emergency First Aid Training last 22 -24 November 2017 in partnership with the Bureau of Fire Protection – Region X. The seminar is part of the PMO’s continuing program under PSHEMS to capacitate employees of the necessary skills to address contingencies. The PMO has a First Aid Team which maintains close coordination with the Oroport Medical Team ready to respond to emergencies at the port.
PPA PMO MO/C conducts Random Mandatory Drug Test
PPA PMO MOC Management and staff undertook a Random Mandatory Drug Test last 29 November 2017. The screening was part of the PMO’s compliance with CSC requirements and in support of the government’s anti-drug campaign.
PMO MOC conducts Pipeline Explosion and Emergency First Aid Exercise
PMO MOC conducted a Pipeline Explosion and Emergency First Aid Exercise last 24 November 2017. The exercise was the concluding activity of the 3-day Basic Life Support and Emergency First Aid Training. The exercise served as a venue for the PMO and the local emergency response units to assess the existing capability to combat fire and to test the efficacy of existing contingency procedures in the event of a pipeline explosion.
Oplan Ligtas Biyahe: Undas 2017
PMO MOC in coordination with civic groups and local law enforcement agencies set up a Passenger Assistance Desk or Helpdesk at the different ports under PMO MOC last 27 October to 06 November 2017 to address inquiries, provide immediate medical assistance and other passenger related concerns.
Fire Fighting Brigade Training
PMO MOC organized a Fire Fighting Brigade Training among PPA employees last 28 September 2017. The training was facilitated by the Bureau of Fire Protection. Among the highlights of the training was a fire drill which was participated by the training participants and the building occupants. As an output of the training, a Fire Tighting Team was established by the PMO composed of select able-bodied employees, security guards and CHO personnel.
PMO MOC joins National Maritime Week 2017 Celebration
Strengthening ties with its counterpart agencies and maritime institutions, and in keeping with its community involvement and corporate social responsibility commitments, PMO MOC participated in various activities lined up for the 2017 National Maritime Week Celebration, as follows:
Days 1 – 5 (25-29 Sep 17) – Open Ship Viewing at the Port of CDO
Day 1 (25 Sep 17) – Floral Offering, Holy Mass, Opening Program, Orientation on Anti-Human Trafficking and On-the-spot Poster Making Contest
Day 2 (26 Sep 17) – Shipyard visit at the Philippine Iron Construction and Marine Works
Day 3 (27 Sep 17) – Mangrove Planting at Taytay, El Salvador, Misamis Oriental. A total of 2,000 mangrove propagules were planted in coordination with Pilipinas Shell, Southern Philippines College and LGU of El Salvador.
Day 4 (28 Sep 17) – Port Cleanup within the port grounds and quay areas; Security Seminar-Workshop
Day 5 (29 Sep 17) – Port Community Zumba Dance; WIMAPHIL General Assembly and Oath Taking of Chapter Officers; Closing Ceremony
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These are the people behind Philippine Ports Authority – Port Management Office Misamis Oriental / Cagayan de Oro’s success.

Our Services
Philippine Ports Authority Port Management Office Misamis Oriental / Cagayan de Oro offers different port services such as berthing, storage, cargo handling, passenger terminal and ancillary.