Dubbed as the Global Gateway to Mindanao and in view of the soon opening of its new and modern Passenger Terminal Building (PTB), the Port of Cagayan de Oro has partnered with the Department of Tourism (DOT) Region 10 for a seminar on customer service titled as, “Filipino Brand of Service Excellence,” which was conducted to security personnel, personnel from marine, terminal, and engineering services, janitorial complement, and all front liners stationed at the Passenger Terminal Complex on 23 December 2019.

The DOT promotes that Filipino brand of service excellence is a combination of the Filipino’s core values and the commendable service attitude. Filipinos are known to be malikhain, makatao, makakalikasan, makabansa, masayahin, may bayanihan, and may pag-asa.
The participants were taught about ways to accommodate passengers and guests at the Ports amiably. Front liners may initiate conversation to make the passengers comfortable, such as asking the three (3) basic open-ended questions: unsa akong pwede matabang sa imo Sir/Ma’am? (what can I do for your Sir/Ma’am); Unsay oras inyong byahe Sir? (what time is your vessel trip?); and asa mo paingon Sir/Ma’am (where is your destination?). The basic of G-U-E-S-T must be practiced when dealing with the clients/passengers. G- greet and engage the guest; U-understand his/her needs; E-educate them; S-satisfy their needs; T-thank your guest.
Furthermore, proper handling of complaints was also discussed during the seminar. It was emphasized that complaints and the complainants shall be dealt with sensitivity, courtesy, and discreetness. In this, personnel must keep in mind the acronym HEART, which stands for: H-hear them out; E-empathize; A- apologize; R-resolve the concern; T-thank the guest.
DOT-10 Regional Director Elaine Unchuan capped the training with a closing remarks and declaration of the 35 participants as “graduates” from the said training.

This training is an addition to the previous initiatives and efforts of the Port Management Office of Misamis Oriental/Cagayan de Oro to provide utmost comfort, convenience, safety, and security to the passengers and all port users. Malasakit and Katarungan Helpdesks are activated in the Port to give assistance to passengers, while Children and Women Helpdesk has been also established, manned by Port Police that caters complaints concerning women and children at the ports. — by IMR Lam