PMO MOC TMO Balingoan Conducts PMMAC PSAC

The Philippine Ports Authority (PPA) Terminal Management Office of Balingoan held the 1st Quarter Port Management Advisory Council (PMMAC) and Port Security Advisory Committee (PSAC) meeting on March 20, 2025. Key stakeholders, including officials from the Philippine Coast Guard, MARINA, the Maritime Police, shipping companies, and other government agencies, gathered to discuss critical updates on continue reading : PMO MOC TMO Balingoan Conducts PMMAC PSAC

PMO MO/C Participates in Mangrove Planting Activity

As part of the countdown to the 50th Anniversary of the Port Management Office of Misamis Oriental/Cagayan de Oro (PMO MOC) and in commemoration of the 26th anniversary of the Coast Guard District Northern Mindanao (CGDNM), eight (8) PMO MOC personnel, together with representatives from other agencies, participated in a meaningful mangrove planting activity on continue reading : PMO MO/C Participates in Mangrove Planting Activity

PMO MOC Participates in the “Ecosystems Under Threat: Understanding Ecosystems and the Environment” Seminar

The Port Management Office of Misamis Oriental/Cagayan de Oro (PMO MOC) representatives composed of both regular and Contract of Service personnel, attended the seminar titled “Ecosystems Under Threat: Understanding Ecosystems and the Environment” held at the CGDNM Conference Room, Gate 4, Port Area, Puntod, Cagayan de Oro City on March 19, 2025. This half-day seminar continue reading : PMO MOC Participates in the “Ecosystems Under Threat: Understanding Ecosystems and the Environment” Seminar

PMO MOC TMO Camiguin Convened the 1st Semester PMAC and PSAC Meeting

The Philippine Ports Authority (PPA) TMO Camiguin convened the 1st Semester Port Management Advisory Council (PMAC) and Port Security Advisory Council (PSAC) meeting on March 19, 2025. The event was attended by an esteemed group of stakeholders, including Cong. Jurdin Jesus M. Romualdo, representative of the Lone District of Camiguin, along with representatives from MARINA continue reading : PMO MOC TMO Camiguin Convened the 1st Semester PMAC and PSAC Meeting